The Top 3 Things You Need to Do to Improve Beard Growth

Tips to Improve Beard Growth 

The number one thing standing between you and a great beard is its growth. It’s a struggle most men face, especially in their younger years. Maybe you struggle to grow one, maybe yours comes in patchy, or maybe it’s thin and looks unkempt anytime you let it grow to the length you want it.

Whatever the reason, know that you’re not alone and that you don’t have to surrender to “bad genetics”. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your beard grow in better than it ever has before. Read on to find out. 

1. Prioritize Your Health

It may or may not surprise you to learn that your health can seriously contribute to your beard growth. Being fit and healthy will improve your body’s ability to grow a full beard, but it’s not about being lean and eating salads. If you want to grow a full beard, you need to workout regularly, eat the right healthy foods to offer your body the right nutrients and stimulate the production of the right hormones, and (you’ll be glad to hear) eating enough.

When you aren’t eating enough, your body stops sending nutrients to your hair follicles in favor of your organs. When you’re eating enough or even a surplus of nutrients, your body has more than enough to ensure that your organs (including your skin), hair, and nails are all healthy.

If you’d like to learn more about what food, nutrients, and vitamins you should be eating, check out our article 5 Diet Tips to Help You Grow a Better Beard.

2. Look After Your Skin

What you eat goes a long way to ensuring your skin is healthy and ready to grow a quality beard, but it’s not everything. Our faces are exposed to the elements, and the wind, cold, and heat can all damage our skin. If you’re someone who gets dry skin or chapped skin in the winter or struggles with spots and itchiness in the heat, you need to be actively taking care of your skin from the outside, too.

Cleanse your skin at least once a day with non-harsh cleanser (just water and soap for sensitive skin will do), and then use a moisturizer. Use the moisturizer again at the opposite end of the day. Make sure you massage it into the skin beneath your beard whenever possible. When your beard gets longer, a product like The Gentleman’s Beard Balm makes a great next step for keeping your beard moisturized and in great condition.

3. Don’t Fiddle with It

How much time every day to you spend rubbing, picking, or pulling at your beard? Most men don’t even know they’re doing it, but once their beard makes it past the stubble phase it seems like we just can’t keep our hands off it. Problem is, any time we play with our beards we risk damaging the hair itself or even the follicles.

If you want a full, healthy beard, you need to quit fiddling with it. Start noticing every time you touch it and move your hand away. If you’re a chronic picker or puller, you’ll start to see your skin clear up and thinner spots fill in, especially if you’re focusing on points one and two, too.


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